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In the Lands of Rasna and Falisci
The Roman's Enemies

Eclectic and multicultural people, who inhabited a large area of ​​the Italian peninsula; a people until recently little known and largely forgotten. The Etruscans made a decisive contribution to the history of Europe, shaping the "very first Rome" in many ways, and leaving a substantial legacy, which the Romans would never forget.

Their neighbors, and therefore strongly influenced by the Rasna, were the Falisci: a people less protagonist made up of artists, farmers and ranchers, a people little inclined to war activities that fate has brought up against the power of Rome.

Real appointments with two mysterious peoples, which today attract the attention of scholars but also the curiosity of all of us: we will walk in their land, looking for their traces and we will immerse ourselves, in this way, in their history, in their culture, in their religion ... in short, we will enter, with discretion, their complex, refined and powerful worlds.

Via degli Inferi Cerveteri) Immersione nel tufo Rana verde immersa nelle lenticchie d'acqua Ingressi della Tomba del Tesoro La feritoia della Cava delle Quercete Tagliata etrusca nei pressi di Barbarano Romano Fosso Castello in prossimità  delle cascate Sentiero nella querceta Resti della chiesetta medioevale (area archeologica di Santa Cecilia) Il borgo di Calcata Vecchia Macro nel prato Calcata Vecchia nella nebbia da Narce

Faggio in Viaggio

Faggio in Viaggio organizes customized excursions for small groups of half or full day with a dedicated Environmental Guide.